
Channel Coating Pots

Channel Coating Pots provide good inductor refractory life making them ideal for galvanized, galvannealed and Galfan® coatings. They are also used for aluminum zinc and other aluminum alloy coatings. Inductotherm Channel Coating Pots are used by the steel industry for the continuous coating of steel strip.


Inductotherm Group Products


Channel Coating Pots provide good inductor refractory life making them ideal for galvanized, galvannealed and Galfan®coatings. They are also used for aluminum zinc and other aluminum alloy coatings. Channel inductors contain induction coil assemblies and a magnetic core made of special transformer sheet laminations. These pots are designed to hold very large volumes of metal. Inductotherm Channel Coating Pots feature:

  • A rectangular design to allow for large volumes for direct ingot feeding
  • Heavy gauge steel plates for excellent refractory support
  • Temperature monitoring to enhance reliability
  • On-site preparation with custom dry rammed refractory around a consumable channel mold (can be hung within 24 hours of installation)
  • Optional bogies and lifts for multiple pot installations
  • Water-cooled or air-cooled inductors

Galfan® is a trademark of Galfan Technology Centre, Inc.

Tech Specs

CapacitiesStandard FeaturesOptional FeaturesFactory Tested Available Retrofit Options
Large Capacity Continuous Coating LinesWater-Cooled Twin Loop Inductors up to 750 KilowattsMetal Level Measurement and MonitoringCritical ComponentsMolten Metal Leakage Detection
Small Capacity Hot-Dip Batch CoatingAir-Cooled Twin Loop Inductors up to 500 KilowattsRemote Control Consoles for Remote Operation from a Central PulpitCommunications Options via a Variety of Industrial Protocols
Hybrid Water and Air-Cooled Inductors up to 500 KilowattsPLC Controls and Communication Options Available on VIP® and VIP-I® Power Supply UnitsPower Pulsing Circuit
Inductor Flange Metal Leak DetectionEmergency Power and Changeover SystemsAutomated Robotic Dross Removal Provided by the ARMS® System
Single-Phase Tap Changer Power Supply Units up to 500 KilowattsInductor Covers
Three-Phase Balanced Tap Changer Power Supply Units up to 500 KilowattsInsulated Pot Covers
Solid-State VIP® Power Supply Units with SCR Technology up to 750 KilowattsMoveable Pot Designs for Multi-Pot Installations
Solid-State VIP-I® PWC Power Supply Units with IGBT Technology up to 500 KilowattsPot Lifting Systems for Multi-Pot Installations
Water Cooling Systems with Emergency BackupAutomated Robotic Dross Removal Provided by the ARMS® System
Molten Metal Leakage Detection
Power Pulsing Circuit
Patented Hollow Metallic Channel Mold for Zinc and Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Applications