
Radyne QAS (Quality Assurance System)

Radyne’s QAS2000™ Monitoring and Alerting System is an optional addition to Radyne’s high performance scanner line. The QAS2000 system provides process monitoring and traceability for each part processed.

The system is integrated with continuously track, in real-time, multiple, graphically-displayed process variables. Data collection and logging is maintained for future SPC analysis.

QAS2000 Monitoring System Features

  • Nema 12 PC workstation with Pentium computer and SVGA monitor
  • Inputs for up to 16 sensors with analog/digital conversion package
  • Includes four sensing modules for kW, Voltage, quench flow, quench temperature.
  • Multiple interfaces for storage
  • Simultaneous sampling rate of up to 100 samples per second
  • Graphical display in 2D or 3D
  • Real process data with operator set upper and lower limits on all parameters

Inductotherm Group Products

Tech Specs

Realtime Monitoring Power
Line Current
DC Bus Voltage
DC Bus Current
Water Temp In
Water Temp Out
Water Temp Coil Return
Water Temp AUX
Water Flow Rate
Water Flow Rate AUX
Internal Humidity Measurement


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