Tandem Chamber Induction Skull Melting Furnace

Consarc offers Induction Skull Melting (ISM) furnaces which is a method of melting metals in a segmented water-cooled copper vessel while under vacuum or controlled atmosphere using an induction coil. Consarc’s tandem chamber design is designed for the production of high volume castings. The second chamber allows the user to switch power from one unit to the other resulting in maximum utilization of the Power Supply. Consarc ISM furnaces provide superior chemical and thermal homogeneity when compared to more traditional methods of melting reactive materials such as arc skull casting.
- 2 Independent chambers sharing a single power supply
- Maximum Utilization of the Power Supply
- High Throughput
- Built in Redundancy with two chambers
- Low overhead clearance
Tech Specs
Capacities: 5kg – 100kg+
Vacuum Levels: up to 1×10-5 torr
Centrifugal casting up to 400 RPM
Copper Crucible from a single forged piece of material
CCTV System for viewing melt remotely
Remote controls for safe operation
- Cup charger
- Centrifugal casting
- Bridge breaker
- Immersion Thermocouple
- Pyrometer
- High Vacuum Pumps (Diffusion or Oil Vapor Booster)